Everest Promo Film
This is a film we made for Pyranha to promote their new Everest kayak.
The footage is from a recent expedition to the Thule Bheri in Nepal and
our last Greenland trip.
Hope you like it.
Ali Marshall
This is a film we made for Pyranha to promote their new Everest kayak.
The footage is from a recent expedition to the Thule Bheri in Nepal and
our last Greenland trip.
Hope you like it.
Ali Marshall
The Plym is one of the best grade 5 rivers in England, it rises and falls quickly after heavy rain.
The 3km section runs through a magnificent and almost spooky forest. The river is steep and boulder garden in nature.
BY Ali Marshall
One of the rivers we'd wanted to do for a while was the upper gorges of the Hokitika and Mungo Gorge. The conditions were right, with good weather and good water levels so we flew in for the two day unsung classic.