Fat Cats Productions: Latest News, Travels, Photos and Videos


Everest Promo Film

This is a film we made for Pyranha to promote their new Everest kayak.

The footage is from a recent expedition to the Thule Bheri in Nepal and

our last Greenland trip.

Hope you like it.

Ali Marshall


The River Plym

This week me and Radical Rob headed to Dartmoor to catch some heavy rain. Dartmoor is an beautiful place, full of granite torrs and wild ponnies.

The area is full of history, littered with Bronse age settlements , Leats (water channels) to supply water to surrounding towns and these stone crosses that the monks used to cross the moor.

The Plym is one of the best grade 5 rivers in England, it rises and falls quickly after heavy rain.

The 3km section runs through a magnificent and almost spooky forest. The river is steep and boulder garden in nature.

BY Ali Marshall


I Want Mungo

One of the rivers we'd wanted to do for a while was the upper gorges of the Hokitika and Mungo Gorge. The conditions were right, with good weather and good water levels so we flew in for the two day unsung classic.

Dan dropping into the commiting Mungo gorge.

Looking down into Mungo after the first drop

Si probing another blind corner in Mungo

Danny running the last rapid out of Mungo gorge

Si boofing one of the many great drops on the Mungo

Dan about to pull through a big hole on the Mungo

Ben snapped simultaneously above and below this tight drop

Cruising over a hole near the end of Mungo

The first amazing gorge on the Hoki

Sketchy portage: Seal launch Simon through the trees and past the undercut. Jump in and swim to the side dodging the trees. Throw the boats and paddles in, then pick up the pieces.

Simon didn't know that this easy boof landed in a gigantic eddie/sieve with no exits.

Barney styling on the Hoki.

A nice big must run rapid on the Hoki

The classic end to an amazing two day river trip - The Gates of Argonath

All Photos by the paddlers: Danny Noblett, Simon Tapley, Ben Hawthorne and Barney Young

Homathko Expedition

This summer Tom Emerson, Corey Boux and Ricky Lambert paddled the Homathko in Northern BC.
Days upon days of white water in the BC wilderness with an boat plane pick up, made this one of the best trips they had ever completed.
Ricky enjoying what it means to be a man One of the many box canyons

The BC beauty

Best shuttle ever

By Tom Emerson