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Dipper Creek BC

In October 09 a group six of us paddled Dipper. The creek is in the Squamish River drainage. This catchment has to be of the best in the world , containing rivers like the Ashlu , Elaho , Squamish , Tatlow , Dipper and many , many more.
Ali Marshall , Codey Howard , Ben Hawthorne , Steve Arns , AJ , Fred Norquest and One Eyed Scott made the team. We came prepared with rope , walkie talkies and ground support in case we became trapped in the canyon.

We took two days to paddle this section and it was one of the most physically demanding trips I have ever done. Huge hikes, scouts and portages, there were many unrun drops that we paddled aswell.
This is probably the most spectacular box canyon that I have ever been lucky enough to see.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger Todd Gillman said...

toon fwd'd this blog link to us this morning. congrats on getting on dipper! that canyon is without a doubt a very special place. stoked to see some excitement from other paddlers about it this year.

in the interest of fully exploring/opening this drainage, & making it out in one piece, we definitely left a couple biggies on the table.

knowing what i do about that run & knowing what we got done in there in a couple yrs of work on it, i'm curious about the "many unrun drops" you're claiming & how you came to that conclusion without talking to one of us.

either way, glad you got to see that canyon .. & nice photos, especially big dipper!


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Steve Arns said...

Yeah, Dipper is a special place no doubt.

Most of the beta for Dipper was gleaned from your extensive reports from last year, which without would probably have made our visit almost impossible.

From what we understand, Big Dipper hadn't been run and the section below Rowdy Flatwater to the put in for Vertigo has yet to be looked at (well, descended). The "many unrun drops" may be an exaggeration on Ali's part, although we were successful in running both Double Dip and the entrance falls to Vertigo without incident, most likely because we had lower flows than your runs. By the way, how you guys named everything in there is absolutely classic.

Did you start on Carnival Creek or did you beat your way in to the Dipper/Carnival confluence? We ran the Carnival bridge to Big Dipper one day and Vertigo Gorge to the Squamish the next. Some of the guys stayed up and ran Carnival to below Rowdy Flatwater (the Upper Canyon I guess, as in your report) yesterday.

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Fat Cats said...

Alright Todd
Cody thought we ran 3 drops that you didn't. Thats were the info came from.
Cheers mate

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Fred Norquist said...

Todd, cody talked to bryan I believe and we thought we got first d on the 35ftr on carpenter.. the 70footer and the waterfall just above the confluence falls... a sketchy 20ish footer. Cody has now run roudy flatwater and the middle canyon... cant wait to get back up there this weekend and do the whole thing!!
Thanks again for doing the groundwork on this one.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Todd Gillman said...

yeah I think maybe the claim "lots of first descent waterfalls" posted on the pyranha blog is a pretty big exaggeration .. but whatever. you guys got 2 waterfalls that we walked on dipper. nice work. glad you guys got to see that canyon.


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