Fat Cats Productions: Latest News, Travels, Photos and Videos


Terrace Creeking

The first of the Fat Cats, Danny, Tom and Burt, have arived in BC fo a summer of steep creeking. Water levels are really high in Whistler so the lads decided to drive 2 days north to Terrace, a small town near Alaska, which supposedly had a huge amount of white water in a very small area. Unfortanatly Burt "Bomb Head" Burton got himself some love problems in the red neck town of Chilliwack so couldn't come. The two other members of the trip were "Pirate" Steve Rodgers (www.breadandbutter.me.uk) and NZ scumbag Hokitiki Ricky.

The Open Road

We have been here two days and so far the paddling has been excellent, there is a great paddling community with modest good, humoured boaters. Our first river was Williams Creek, a classic boulder garden run with some nice lines and drops.

Tom Boofing the first drop on Williams Creek

Canadian Sunset seen from Tent

The second day saw a much more intense river. An hour paddle across a lake to get to the other side of the valley "the grizzely maze" well known for it bears. After hike up to the river though thick bush we came to a huge slide, the rest of the river was pushy but went well.

Danny running the slide

Getting footage for the new film

We are now checking out some more runs in Terrace before going down to Vancouver to meet the rest of the lads, Ali, Adam, Rambo, Barnsey, Si and try to sort out Burt's love problems.

Come on ENGLAND on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!