Fat Cats Productions: Latest News, Travels, Photos and Videos


Fat Cats - New Year Special Offer

To celebrate the New Year, we are offering a free copy of our last film Chaos Theory to anybody who buys our new Double Film DVD - The Revenge of the Fat Cats. This means: Revenge of the Fat Cats (Double Film DVD) + Chaos Theory + Free Worldwide Postage for only £19.99

You will get three films:

1) Greenland the Movie
The Revenge of the Fat Cats (Laos, New Zealand, British Columbia, Beatings)
3) Chaos Theory (California, Zambezi, White Nile, Chile, Ecuador, Scotland, England, Italy)

Each film has great music from British artists, quality footage of worldwide river running, creeking and freestyle from some of the best paddlers in the UK and great extras.

Revenge of the Fat Cats/Greenland Trailer

Chaos Theory Trailer

To take advantage of the offer visit http://www.fatcatsproductions.co.uk/film.htm now!